Aldinga Payinthi College


These series of artworks by mantirridesign were installed at Aldinga Payinthi College at Aldinga SA in 2021 and are part of the $233M SA Schools PPP Project (Aldinga and Angle Vale). Local Kaurna sites of cultural significance along with local flora and fauna are depicted within the artworks to provide students with a sense of place and to encourage them to; visit and respect the sites, understand who has come before, who the Kaurna people are today and to continue on with telling these stories in the future.

At the main entrance to the college standing 4.0m high is the a metal sculpture of a red gum tree that highlights cultural sites of significance on one side and a spiritual mind map on the other side. Several hidden stone carvings are integrated into nature play areas and wild edges around the college for students to explore, discover and interpret. These carvings are of local fauna that can be found at the sites of significance across the Aldinga landscape. The last set of artworks are blasted into a number of concrete plaza areas in large swathes across the college grounds. These impressions of some the local fauna and flora that can be found in the local Aldinga landscape. Kaurna camps also form part of the artwork cultural narrative.

Completion Date: 2021

Location: Aldinga Payinthi College, Aldinga SA

Aboriginal Country: Kaurna

Collaborative Partners: Senior Kaurna Elders

Photography: Swanbury Penglase, Brad Griffin, mantirridesign


2023 AILA SA Landscape Architecture Award - Health and Education

2023 AILA SA Water for Life - Commendation

2023 AILA SA People’s Choice Award


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