Kaurna Yarta Wara-wantaka


This Kaurna artwork titled Kaurna Yarta Wara-wantaka (Across Kaurna Country) was installed in a pedestrian fence on Smart Road at Modbury SA by mantirridesign for the City of Tea Tree Gully in 2019. The artwork is part of a $3.6M streetscape redevelopment project for the road. There are five fence panels that make up the artwork and they are collectively based upon the Kaurna landscape of the Tea Tree Gully area.

The artwork features a landscape narrative that includes Painted Lady Butterflies feeding on white flowered tea trees that once grew in abundance up in the gullies. While kangaroo, emu and ibis fossick amongst the fields of kangaroo grass down by the rivers and creeks as dragonflies flit through the sedges along the waterways of the area.

Completion Date: 2019

Location: Smart Road, Modbury SA

Aboriginal Country: Kaurna

Collaborative Partners: Senior Kaurna Elders

Photography: mantirridesign


Felixstow Reserve


Nankeri Tapatawangk