St Francis of Assisi College


Titled ‘Guiding Rays’. The artwork is adorned with themes of both Catholic and Aboriginal beliefs and spirituality. The design was inspired by the classic biblical scene of when heavenly rays of golden sunshine pierce through dark clouds and shine down upon the landscape below. The sunrays of this artwork, are expressed as beacons of guiding light from Patron Saint, St Francis of Assisi for students to look up to and be guided by.

Mantirri Design worked with local Traditional Owners, the Erawirung people of the Renmark area, to develop appropriate cultural narratives that are connected to their Country and culture. In the cloud, is the Renmark section of the River Murray and it is surrounded by male and female cultural totems. Each of their seven clan groups that live in the Riverland area, are represented as meeting place symbols - the biggest being Erawirung.

Completion Date: 2021

Location: St Francis of Assisi College, Renmark SA

Aboriginal Country: Erawirung

Collaborative Partners: Erawirung Elders and Representatives

Photography: mantirridesign


Wangu Poles


Yuku Purlaityi