Kardi Munta Artworks


These cultural markers titled Kardi Munta (Emu Net) by mantirridesign were installed at Pelzer Park | Pityarilla | Park Land 19 within the City Park Lands of Adelaide in 2020. The installation captures a moment in time, when Kaurna people built strong ‘timber’ nets to capture larger game like emu - as opposed to the finer nets which were made from plant fibre string to capture smaller animals like ducks and fish. These large scale nets were made from tree branches. The long branches were inter-woven and bound together with long strips of inner-bark to create a frame that was dug into the earth and often bound to tree trunks for even more strength. A number of Kaurna men would spread out and carrel the emu into the net which was camouflaged with foliage.

A yarning and learning circle sits in the middle of these cultural markers and provides opportunities for Kaurna Elders to celebrate the living Kaurna culture by sharing knowledge of our people, past, present, and future.

Completion Date: 2020

Location: Pelzer Park/Pityarilla Park Land 19, Adelaide SA

Aboriginal Country: Kaurna

Collaborative Partners: Senior Kaurna Elders

Photography: mantirridesign


Nankeri Tapatawangk


Narnungga Parkland 25